

Have you ever received a birthday or holiday gift that looked great, but you really didn’t know how to use it? To many publishers, that’s exactly what interstitial ads feel like.

Link to Registration ➡️ :- https://bit.ly/3m5xYVD

Publishers are always looking for new ways to monetize their content. However, with so many platforms running similar ad formats, it’s getting harder and harder to stand out of the crowd. 

At PropellerAds, we’ve worked with thousands of publishers that manage extremely successful platforms, so we understand which ad formats have the potential to generate stellar results. Although push notifications and popunders are still dominating the landscape, interstitial ads are carving out a place for themselves in the affiliate ecosystem. 

As a matter of fact, we’ve recently revamped the interstitials available on our platform. In this guide, we’ll discuss the upgrades we’ve made to this ad format and go over a few optimizations tips publishers can use to monetize interstitials.

Why Should You Opt for Interstitials

Interstitial ads cover the entire screen of the device being used and they usually appear right before or right after the expected content is displayed.

When we first released this format, marketers had to create ads from scratch. Now, as part of the new features, affiliates can choose from a wide collection of templates – including an animated option for bolder campaigns. The results have been nothing short but stellar: much higher conversion rates for affiliates, which translated to more money for publishers.

  • In some aspects, interstitials are like a light version of popunders. We’ve recently implemented this ad format into our native feed, which works like a charm on social websites in particular. 
  • Interstitials are also user-friendly because they feature a noticeable “x” that allows viewers to close the ad. And, we’ve implemented a countdown that closes the ad automatically in order to give viewers a slight sense of urgency.
  • Most importantly, interstitials have been providing consistent results in different verticals. It’s becoming a bona fide format that’s allowing publishers to generate more profits without too many adjustments.
Link to Registration ➡️ :- https://bit.ly/3m5xYVD
#PropellerAds, #TrafficMonetization

What Types of Sites Are Suitable for This Ad Format?

Despite the fact that they’ve provided solid results across different verticals, the best types of publishing platforms for interstitial ads are:

  • Social websites
  • Streaming platforms
  • Media players
  • Anime
  • MP3 and music streaming

Optimizing Interstitials on Your Site

Interstitials can be fully tailored, but you have to know what to change in order to get the best results. Remember, you can change the size, delays, frequency, and device targeting, but you have to find a combination that provides the right results.

#1 Play with Delays

In most cases, the recommended delay for a successful interstitial is about 10 seconds. This works for most websites, but you can also go as low as 2 to 3 seconds if you want to focus heavily on monetizing.

However, as with any other rules, there are exceptions. All publishers should run a few tests to find the best timing settings. For example, if users only spent an average of 30 seconds on each page, a 10-second ad delay may be too much. In case users spent around 3 to 4 minutes on each page, then a longer delay may help generate more profits without compromising customer experience.

#2 Identify the Best Pages for Interstitials

The most obvious place for an interstitial is on the homepage. But, you should analyze the buyer’s journey on your website in order to find internal pages that can also produce good results.

For example, blogs may be able to pull off interstitials on the homepage because visitors may browse for new posts or access other tabs from here. But, a streaming platform will need to see which pages are the most popular and start by implementing interstitial ads here because users only spend a few seconds on the home page before running a search.

You should closely look at your website’s analytics to find the pages that have the most potential. Plus, researching the audience will also uncover details that can be helpful later on.

#3 Choose Between Mobile and Desktop

CPM rates are higher on mobile devices, so you should check out which segments visit your pages the most and implement your interstitials accordingly. If you have a high volume of desktop visitors, you can make interstitials available for affiliates that target these users.

Publishers that have a significantly higher number of mobile users can just focus on this segment, but they should also check their desktop volumes on a regular basis.

The launch of Chrome 80 taught us all an important lesson: don’t dwell on your current success, because one day a single browser update can come and wipe the floor with your business.

UPD:  Sports Website + In-Page Push Banner = Extra money! 

If you want to keep on monetizing your website no matter what the weather, our tip is to diversify your monetization methods and add the new ones.

Wait, but haven’t we just added a new method on our platform? Oh, right, we did — it’s the In-Page Push banners (IPP). For those publishers who find traditional push ads too intrusive for their users, IPP solves the issue as it adapts to the native style of the site.

Let’s look into why it’s a great way to monetize your website and how simple it is to start doing it. Spoiler alert: it’s super simple. 


Why is In-Page Push great for monetization?

1.Doesn’t require subscription

Unlike with traditional push, users don’t need to subscribe to see In-Page Push ads. In fact, an In-Page Push is a banner that looks like a push ad.

2. Works on all platforms including iOS

First and foremost, with In-Page Push, you can monetize traffic from any GEO, device or platform, including iOS and Mac OS. Traditional push ads don’t work with Safari due to native restrictions of the browser. With In-Page Push, you can cream off that share of traffic, too.

3. Looking gooood

Apart from actually working on all platforms, In-Page Push also looks nice. Its non-intrusive style makes it ideal for those website owners who begin to introduce monetization to their users. It doesn’t block any site content neither on desktops, nor on mobile devices, and doesn’t interfere with the site’s UI/UX. 

propellerads - monetization - in page push

4. Catchy and visual 

In-Page Push ads are displayed exactly when the user is browsing the site, which means that they will 100% see it. As a result, you get more impressions → more clicks → more money. It’s that simple. 

5. Customizable

IPP is highly adaptable to your needs. Based on what works best, you can choose how IPP ads will be displayed on your site: 

  • Label the message with an “Ad” tag, so that your ads are compliant with the highest transparency standards. 
  • Where the ad will be displayed: at the top of the page or at the bottom. 
  • How many ads will be displayed at once: from 1 to 5. 
  • The frequency of the display: once every hour or every 5 min. 
  • Tab indication: if there is a push ad active on your page, you can choose the user’s browser tab to blink with saying “1 new message”. Be careful with this option as it can jeopardize the “non-intrusive” vibe.

It’s important to mention that at this point customization is only available via a request to your personal manager or our Support team. 

How to start monetizing with In-Page Push? 

As we’ve announced before, starting up with In-Page Push is very simple. All you need is to use the tag, which is available in your Publisher account.

propellerads - in page push - publishers - monetization

Summing up, the process looks like this:

Get the tag in your account ➡️ Place it on your website ➡️ Start making money

A few pro tips

In-Page Push ads look native to your site. That means, if you’re at stage zero of monetizing your site, it might be a good starting point. Subtly introducing ads to your viewers is a much safer option than adding all the bells and whistles at once. Is it time to start monetizing your websites?

We also recommend keeping the frequency down to 3 impressions per day. Don’t go heavy on the method so that the users stay engaged.  

Need help? 

If you have extra questions about In-Page Push or need assistance with the tag, you can always contact your personal manager or our Support Team.

And don’t be a stranger to our blog — we put tons of useful information there just for you. 
Link to Registration ➡️ :- https://bit.ly/3m5xYVD

#PropellerAds, #TrafficMonetization

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