
How to Get and Monetize Twitter Traffic

Twitter has been one of the leading platforms since the early days of the social media revolution and its hundreds of millions of active users are among the most loyal followers you can attract. 

From world leaders to celebrities and professional sports teams, many entities leverage the power of Twitter to spread their message and engage their followers at a mass scale. Better yet, Twitter gives publishers another awesome source of traffic for their websites.        

With all of the above in mind, Twitter has a set of distinct features that are completely different from other social giants, so publishers need to learn about its unique elements to get the best results. 

At PropellerAds, we work closely with experienced publishers who managed to master Twitter as a traffic source for their websites. In this article, we’ll discuss the value of Twitter traffic, go over tips to generate website traffic via Twitter, and share techniques to monetize these visitors.

Is Twitter Traffic Worth It?

Before going any further, let’s take a moment to analyze Twitter and the quality of its traffic.

  • Twitter is growing

Twitter’s user base has been growing for more than five years, hitting a climax of 211 million monthly active users at the end of 2021.

It’s estimated that more than 500 million tweets are published on the network every single day as well, making it one of the top social networks in terms of content volume and reach. 

  • Publisher-friendly algorithms

Not only this, but Twitter has remained loyal to organic posts and still favors this type of content over paid ads. This means that every piece of content has a chance of going viral, even if it comes from a user with a growing number of followers.

Facebook and Instagram, on the other hand, have tweaked their algorithms to the point of forcing content creators to pay for ads in order to get the most exposure. 

  • The audience is active

Finally, Twitter users come to the network to consume content. Research suggests that only 10% of Twitter users create 80% of the content.

Not quite the 80/20 rule, but this statistic proves that most people come to Twitter to be entertained, rather than to post anything themselves.

What Publishers Should Know About Twitter Traffic

Keep in mind that all audiences are unique, and the users you want to attract on Twitter are no exception. To be successful, you have to take the time to understand your following, figure out what type of content they like, and identify the best times to engage these users. 

With the above in mind, there are a few demographic details that can help you better understand your Twitter audience. Some of these details include:

  • More than 75% of Twitter users are between the ages of 18 and 50 (38.5% being 25-34)
  • The vast majority (77.75%) of Twitter users reside in the US
  • 70.4% of Twitter users are male (29.6% female)

Steps You Need to Follow to Attract Twitter Traffic

As with other social networks, there’s a Twitter learning curve that you’ll probably go through before getting the results you want. That said, there are a few unique elements that separate it from other networks. 

In order to succeed with a Twitter account, you have to:

Create an Awesome Profile

Twitter profiles are relatively simple. They only feature a profile picture, a header image, and a background image, plus a small bio and a link. The background image is the hardest to get right because it changes according to the user’s screen, so most affiliate Twitter profiles don’t include this feature.

Netflix Tiwtter account page

Remember to include:

  • Attractive and relevant profile and cover images
  • A link to your site and a thorough description of its contents
  • A fun and/or memorable handle

Post as Often as Possible

Twitter’s engagement cycle is much shorter than in other platforms. In other words, your content will go stale much quicker, so you need to post as much as possible.

Successful Twitter profiles post anywhere between 1 to 5 times a day, but this number can easily go up depending on the vertical and industry trends. 

Follow Relevant People

This step is pretty self-explanatory. If you want to get noticed, look at the profiles in your industry that have the highest number of followers and follow them. This will help you get noticed, help the Twitter algorithm understand what your profile is about, and get you quality followers simultaneously.

How Many Followers Do You Need to Have?

It’s important to understand that there is no exact number of Twitter followers that will guarantee high traffic volumes coming from Twitter and monetization revenue. 

Because the algorithm still favors organic traffic, you don’t need to focus solely on building your Twitter traffic. Instead, you should find a balance between a large enough audience and high engagement levels. 

Publisher’s Absolute Guide to Traffic Monetization

In this social network, having a smaller audience is worth it if your engagement levels remain high because these users can retweet your content and amplify your reach. 

Tips to Generate Twitter Traffic for Your Site

Twitter traffic is extremely high-quality, so it’s no surprise that only a small percentage of publishers have penetrated this social network. 

Exposure is crucial on Twitter, so you need to get creative, test several ideas, and keep researching until you find a winning combination. Plus, don’t forget to work thoroughly on every piece of content as one single tweet can go viral and reel in thousands of followers.

You should also:

  • Avoid self-promotion (the Twittersphere doesn’t care!) and just publish useful content
self promo twitter
A bad example. No one literally cares about how great your website is.
  • Focus on informative visuals like charts, quotes, stats, and other sharable goodies
twitter - valuable info
  • If appropriate, go for entertaining visuals as well like sports scores, GIFs, video, streams, etc.
twitter visuals
  • Generate event-based content and use the right hashtags
twitter - sports
  • Use intrigue to make your tweets more catchy
twitter intrigue
  • Engage industry leaders by asking questions and participating in discussions

How to Monetize Twitter Traffic

At PropellerAds, we focus on helping our Twitter publishers get the most from the traffic they produce. 

What’s really important to understand is that with Propeller (or any other network), you can’t monetize Twitter traffic directly – first Twitter users should visit your website.

As you can see, using the Direct Link format on Twitter is a bad idea, as the platform will likely ban your account. That’s why we would like to emphasize the importance of first bringing traffic to your website.

How to make more money with viral websites?

Okay, users arrived at your website, what’s next? PropellerAds offers the 2 best options for monetizing viral traffic from Twitter. 

  • Multitag that works for all GEOs and OSs so it’s perfect for traffic coming to your website from Twitter.  In case of viral content, usually, you would have no idea users from which GEOs will end up on your site, that’s why Multitag is a great option. Our system automatically optimizes ad formats for the traffic that you have. So you get the maximum profit.
  • Push notifications services like Notix, allow you to collect push subscriptions through your site and monetize them on a recurring basis with other ad formats. How it works? Twitter users are visiting your website, enjoy your content, subscribe to push notifications, and become your returning audience.

How Do You Get More Traffic with a Push Service?

Want to grow and monetize your Twitter traffic volumes? Get in touch with PropellerAds and our team will be glad to help you get the most from your traffic.

 #PropellerAds, #TrafficMonetization, #Twitter

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